A photo of Katz' delicatessen on the lower east side in New York City

The Most bubuleh Time of the Year

Happy May, everyone!

If you didn’t know, May is Jewish American Heritage Month and Mental Health Awareness Month. As a brand deeply inspired by both Jewish heritage and our experience around mental health and our effort to reduce the stigma surrounding it, it’s hard to think of a time that’s more bubuleh. It’s actually really overwhelming because there’s so much that we want to say this month, so much that we want to create this month, and it’s hard to know where to start.

But, I think the first place to start is just making sure we all know about these important monthly observances because they are both far too often overlooked.

And how poetic that is, given that the communities and people they intend to celebrate and bring awareness to are far too often overlooked, themselves.

I feel so many parallels constantly as a Jewish person and a person who experiences mental health issues, in that both of these identities are often overlooked, and when they aren’t, they’re commonly misrepresented, misunderstood, or maligned.

This month, I’m going to try my best to be open with you all about these experiences, which I hope some of you will resonate with, through our content and yes, new clothes. Make sure you're following us on Instagram so you don't miss anything.

So be on the lookout and (shameless plug), we'd love it if you would consider supporting us this month by shopping with us. My mental health will thank you ;)


With love and just a little anxiety,

Jordan Star
Founder, CEO & CAO (Chief Anxiety Officer)