
As a Jewish-inspired brand (not a brand only for Jews), we want to make our community feel seen in positive ways. We want our community to know that our histories and contributions are seen and valued, and we want to show what it looks like to respectfully (and stylishly) demand the space and visibility that we believe in for others. 

In letting my anxiety take over for me during a months-long conversation with a nice guy on Grindr (sorry Nana), I ended up hurting someone else. By being so much in my own head, I ended up causing the same anxiety in someone else that I experience myself.

We've all been there, and at some point, we've all probably made a shopping decision that we regret. Here are 6 questions to ask yourself before splurging to make sure you feel great about what's in your wallet and your closet.

What would it be like if we associated holiness with uncovering, rather than covering? What's the value of unbinding? What if we create a new space, through clothing, for our individual bodies and our collective traditions to exist together?

Just as Shifra and Puah stood up to Pharaoh to protect the Israelites, so did the courageous frontline workers who risk their lives for others’ well-being. I urge you to think about them this Passover.